in memory of Darrell Thomas Esgar

Genealogy for the Esgar's and Gamble's

under construction
is the genealogy for
Holbrook's, Tenbrook's
related families

do your genealogy or else

A word about the genealogy section: I believe this information is important and useful, and hope you will find it so as well. I will endeavor to make this data as accurate as possible. If you see omissions or inaccuracies, please PLEASE contact me with the correct information.

Due to the sheer volume of data, the genealogical information on this website will only be updated the periodically (quarterly to start), but the offline database is constantly being updated. So, if updated information you've sent doesn't immediately appear on the site, please be patient; it will be include it in the next update. For reasons of privacy, the event information for people still living has been hidden. Also, LDS ordinance information has not been included here. To obtain GEDCOM files which contain information for living persons and LDS ordinance data, send a request by email to

Table of Contents


Prepared by:

Clayton Esgar
79151 Quail Loop
Cottage Grove Or, 97424

Send e-mail to:

This web site produced 18 Jul 2012 by Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

How to setup PAF web pages for android devices


The information contained in this Genealogy section is to be used ONLY for genealogical purposes.
Any other use is strictly unauthorized.

Please respect the privacy of our family members.

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